@Henry - always nice to see your LE-DiaStars! Great watches and great pics! I really should take the time to take some better pics of some of my Rados - my equipment is definitely good enough but nearly all of my pics are uninspired quickshots.
The size difference between the "normal" and the XL case is bigger than I thought.
@RadoFan - I love black dials and I don´t have any idea why you should avoid them. Black dials are not more damageable than others, it´s the wrong way round: Even my oldest Rados from WWII, 1943/44 are still black. White or blue dials more tend to change their colour under the influence of UV-rays. White dials often tend to get yellowish, blue dials tend to bleech. Henry owns a nice 1970s´ DiaMaster/DiaStar 10 with an ex-blue dial, which is grey now. I own an NCC 101 with blue dial - it´s still blue, but you see a large difference to the original colour when the dial is disassembled and you compare to the frame being covered by the case.
Here´s a pic of my end of 1970s´ DiaStar Quartz with black dial - still as black as it could be(though it looks lighter on this pic through the reflections of the sapphire crystal):